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الموقع الرسمي للشيخ خالد الحبشي | العلاج بالرقية الشرعية من الكتاب والسنة

الأخوة و الأخوات الكرام أعضاء منتدنا الغالي نرحب بكم أجمل ترحيب و أنتم محل إهتمام و تقدير و محبة ..نعتذر عن أي تأخير في الرد على أسئلتكم و إستفساراتكم الكريمة و دائماً يكون حسب الأقدمية من تاريخ الكتابة و أي تأخر في الرد هو لأسباب خارجة عن إرادتنا نظراً للظروف و الإلتزامات المختلفة

العودة   منتدى الرقية الشرعية > أقسام الرقية الشرعية والتعريف بالموسوعة الشرعية في علم الرقى ( متاحة للمشاركة ) > الصوتيات والمرئيات المتعلقة بالرقية الشرعية


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قديم 09-04-2023, 08:51 PM   #1
معلومات العضو

افتراضي محمود عبد الحكم نسخة الاذاعة بدون صدى مصحف 114 سورة

1 001 - Al-Fatihah ( The Opening - 00:54
2 002 - Al-Baqarah ( The Cow ) - - 01:46:13
3 003 - Al-Imran ( The Family of - 01:05:04
4 004 - An-Nisa ( The Women ) - - 01:08:55
5 005 - Al-Maidah ( The Table sp - 01:48:37
6 006 - Al-An'am ( The Cattle ) - 56:51
7 007 - Al-A'raf (The Heights ) - 01:03:02
8 008 - Al-Anfal ( The Spoils of - 23:28
9 009 - At-Taubah ( The Repentan - 46:55
10 010 - Yunus ( Jonah ) - ÇáãÕÍÝ - 33:22
11 011 - Hud - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - Óæ - 35:27
12 012 - Yusuf (Joseph ) - ÇáãÕÍÝ - 35:20
13 013 - Ar-Ra'd ( The Thunder ) - 17:32
14 014 - Ibrahim ( Abraham ) - Çá - 18:45
15 015 - Al-Hijr ( The Rocky Trac - 14:39
16 016 - An-Nahl ( The Bees ) - Ç - 46:00
17 017 - Al-Isra ( The Night Jour - 31:21
18 018 - Al-Kahf ( The Cave ) - Ç - 34:35
19 019 - Maryam ( Mary ) - ÇáãÕÍÝ - 25:16
20 020 - Taha - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - Ó - 26:15
21 021 - Al-Anbiya ( The Prophets - 23:29
22 022 - Al-Hajj ( The Pilgrimage - 29:12
23 023 - Al-Mu'minoon ( The Belie - 23:20
24 024 - An-Noor ( The Light ) - - 27:50
25 025 - Al-Furqan (The Criterion - 22:47
26 026 - Ash-Shuara ( The Poets ) - 35:59
27 027 - An-Naml (The Ants ) - Çá - 27:12
28 028 - Al-Qasas ( The Stories ) - 39:20
29 029 - Al-Ankaboot ( The Spider - 28:48
30 030 - Ar-Room ( The Romans ) - - 21:39
31 031 - Luqman - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - - 15:48
32 032 - As-Sajdah ( The Prostrat - 11:01
33 033 - Al-Ahzab ( The Combined - 38:23
34 034 - Saba ( Sheba ) - ÇáãÕÍÝ - 20:41
35 035 - Fatir ( The Orignator ) - 22:42
36 036 - Ya-seen - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - 21:06
37 037 - As-Saaffat ( Those Range - 26:37
38 038 - Sad ( The Letter Sad ) - - 21:18
39 039 - Az-Zumar ( The Groups ) - 34:01
40 040 - Ghafir ( The Forgiver Go - 34:24
41 041 - Fussilat ( Explained in - 22:28
42 042 - Ash-Shura (Consultation - 23:29
43 043 - Az-Zukhruf ( The Gold Ad - 25:20
44 044 - Ad-Dukhan ( The Smoke ) - 10:47
45 045 - Al-Jathiya ( Crouching ) - 15:01
46 046 - Al-Ahqaf ( The Curved Sa - 20:51
47 047 - Muhammad - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - 17:04
48 048 - Al-Fath ( The Victory ) - 17:39
49 049 - Al-Hujurat ( The Dwellin - 11:13
50 050 - Qaf ( The Letter Qaf ) - - 10:57
51 051 - Adh-Dhariyat ( The Wind - 10:59
52 052 - At-Tur ( The Mount ) - Ç - 09:13
53 053 - An-Najm ( The Star ) - Ç - 10:06
54 054 - Al-Qamar ( The Moon ) - - 10:11
55 055 - Ar-Rahman ( The Most Gra - 12:53
56 056 - Al-Waqi'ah ( The Event ) - 12:27
57 057 - Al-Hadid ( The Iron ) - - 18:34

58 058 - Al-Mujadilah ( She That - 15:09
59 059 - Al-Hashr ( The Gathering - 14:54
60 060 - Al-Mumtahanah ( The Woma - 11:58
61 061 - As-Saff ( The Row ) - Çá - 06:19
62 062 - Al-Jumu'ah ( Friday ) - - 05:05
63 063 - Al-Munafiqoon ( The Hypo - 05:20
64 064 - At-Taghabun ( Mutual Los - 07:06
65 065 - At-Talaq ( The Divorce ) - 08:50
66 066 - At-Tahrim ( The Prohibit - 08:09
67 067 - Al-Mulk ( Dominion ) - Ç - 09:09
68 068 - Al-Qalam ( The Pen ) - Ç - 08:55
69 069 - Al-Haaqqah ( The Inevita - 08:33
70 070 - Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of - 07:09
71 071 - Nooh - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - Ó - 07:21
72 072 - Al-Jinn ( The Jinn ) - Ç - 07:32
73 073 - Al-Muzzammil (The One wr - 05:06
74 074 - Al-Muddaththir ( The One - 07:17
75 075 - Al-Qiyamah ( The Resurre - 04:31
76 076 - Al-Insan ( Man ) - ÇáãÕÍ - 06:54
77 077 - Al-Mursalat ( Those sent - 05:46
78 078 - An-Naba' ( The Great New - 05:03
79 079 - An-Nazi'at ( Those who P - 04:55
80 080 - Abasa ( He frowned ) - Ç - 03:56
81 081 - At-Takwir ( The Overthro - 02:44
82 082 - Al-Infitar ( The Cleavin - 02:22
83 083 - Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who - 05:26
84 084 - Al-Inshiqaq (The Splitti - 03:01
85 085 - Al-Burooj ( The Big Star - 02:32
86 086 - At-Tariq ( The Night-Com - 01:51
87 087 - Al-A'la ( The Most High - 02:10
88 088 - Al-Ghashiya ( The Overwh - 02:55
89 089 - Al-Fajr ( The Dawn ) - Ç - 04:22
90 090 - Al-Balad ( The City ) - - 02:26
91 091 - Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - - 01:53
92 092 - Al-Layl ( The Night ) - - 02:24
93 093 - Ad-Dhuha ( The Forenoon - 01:21
94 094 - As-Sharh ( The Opening F - 00:50
95 095 - At-Tin ( The Fig ) - Çáã - 01:16
96 096 - Al-'alaq ( The Clot ) - - 02:09
97 097 - Al-Qadr ( The Night of D - 00:49
98 098 - Al-Bayyinah ( The Clear - 02:53
99 099 - Az-Zalzalah ( The Earthq - 01:12
100 100 - Al-'adiyat ( Those That - 01:21
101 101 - Al-Qari'ah ( The Strikin - 01:14
102 102 - At-Takathur ( The piling - 01:03
103 103 - Al-Asr ( The Time ) - Çá - 00:34
104 104 - Al-Humazah ( The Slander - 01:04
105 105 - Al-Fil ( The Elephant ) - 00:51
106 106 - Quraish - ÇáãÕÍÝ ÇáãÑÊá - 00:42
107 107 - Al-Ma'un ( Small Kindnes - 00:59
108 108 - Al-Kauthor ( A River in - 00:26
109 109 - Al-Kafiroon ( The Disbel - 00:52
110 110 - An-Nasr ( The Help ) - Ç - 00:41
111 111 - Al-Masad ( The Palm Fibr - 00:46
112 112 - Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - 00:26
113 113 - Al-Falaq ( The Daybreak - 00:39

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